Studies on EducationThe Haitian state’s investments in public education have dwindled steadily over the several decades. Primary, secondary and higher education has increasingly been taken over by the private sector, churches and NGOs. This situation makes control of the programs difficult and prevents the standardization of a unified, state approved curriculum. The laboratory examines the history and functioning of –primary, secondary, and university education in Haiti, the structural causes for the degradation of the public educational system, and the experimentation with alternative approaches to education management.
Gender, Power, and Violence in Higher Education in Haiti This Spencer Foundation funded grant builds on findings from INURED's 2014 national study of higher education to examine the sociocultural costs of pursuing university training for young women in Haiti. National Study of Higher Education (2013-2014) Funded by INURED, the Fulbright Scholars Program, and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) In March 2010, the Interuniversity INURED conducted the first assessment of higher education in Haiti focusing on the Port-au-Prince greater metropolitan area which houses just under 90% of all higher education institutions in the nation. In an effort to continue the dialogue regarding the role of Haiti’s higher education institutions in the nation’s recovery, reconstruction and development, prompted by the 2010 assessment, INURED is conducting a national study of higher education institutions throughout Haiti to determine how the sector has evolved and make recommendations for further reforms that insure that the sector is part of Haiti’s reconstruction and long-term development plans. The Challenge for Haitian Higher Education The Challenge for Haitian Higher Education: A Post-earthquake Rapid Assessment of Higher Education in the Port-au-Prince Metropolitan Area L'impact du tremblement de terre du 12 janvier 2010 sur les institutions d'enseignement supérieur de la zone métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince Education: Rewrite the Future: Port-au-Prince (2009-2010) A study that aims at (a) generating baseline data that can provide a qualitative and quantitative base for comparison and assessment of the impact of the Rewrite the Future project in the schools studied in Port-au-Prince and (b) determining the degrees to which Save the Children's programs have met their defined specific objectives. Funded by Save the Children, Haiti |