INURED provides an array of mini-courses, seminars, and workshops in Haiti.
The Research Training and Support INURED- Office de la Protection de Citoyen (OPC) project This project is consistent with INURED's mandate to build the capacity of state institutions to promote positive societal change through research that will be used to inform policy development, praxis and advocacy. Through this initiative INURED provides research methods training to staff from OPC as well as other state and civil society organization personnel in quantitative and qualitative research methods. This project is funded by Oxfam United Kingdom.
Study on Diaspora Engagement in Post-Conflict and Post-Disaster Societies As part of a larger initiative funded by the International Development Research Center (IDRC) to study diaspora impacts on higher education in post-earthquake Haiti and to build institutional and intellectual capacity in Haiti INURED hosted seminars that aligned with a three-country case study that included: Haiti; Liberia; and Sri Lanka and focused on the impact of diaspora engagement on the capacity of recovery in post-conflict and post-disaster societies. The seminars sponsored by INURED focused on Social Theory and History (June 2012) and Research Methods (August 2012).
During the June 2012 seminar, facilitators and students actively engaged in critical discussions of contemporary theories and ideas on circulation, agency vs. structure, diaspora, higher education, and transnationalism. The seminar culminated in a work plan for ongoing discussion and reflection in preparation for the parallel research seminar in August and subsequent implementation of the study in fall 2012.
The seminar was attended by twenty undergraduate and graduate students from the State University of Haiti (UEH) and Ecole Superieure Infotronique d’Haiti (ESIH). Participating students represent diverse academic disciplines, including: anthropology, sociology, social work, law, and economic sciences.
The intensive seminar was co-facilitated by Professor Louis Herns Marcelin, INURED; Toni Cela, INURED Coordinator; Professor Osée Olibri, State University of Haiti; Professor Watson Denis, State University of Haiti; and Professor Mackenson Doucet, Ecole Supérieure Infotronique d’Haiti/INURED.
Violence Against Children National Study Trainings
As part of the Violence against Children, study INURED facilitated two extensive research trainings for both the quantitative and qualitative studies. In March 2012, over 200 undergraduate and graduate students participated in a 10-day training of survey implementation for the national study. An additional 30 individuals received a full week’s training in data entry using C-SPRO software through the Centers for Disease Control at INURED headquarters. In June 2012 INURED facilitated extensive ethnographic methods training for over 20 student researchers. This training developed their skills in focus group facilitation and participant observation in preparation for implementation of the ethnographic study, which served to contextualize the data collected from the survey.